Monday, December 19, 2011

Birthday countdown

Singer's going to party like it's her birthday tomorrow, because, well, I don't know when her real birthday is. Like any spoiled birthday dog, she'll get the royal canine treatment (as much as I can provide anyway). And what's a birthday without some birthday cake?

To pull off this feat of puppy spoilery, I found a dog-friendly cake recipe online and modified it a bit so that it would include a few of Singer's favorite snacks, like squirrel and Bo. I jest! Notice the frantic wagging of her tail as she watches me prepare.

Behold the peanut butter-carrot cake!

Ingredients: shredded carrots, natural peanut butter (none of that hydrogenated oil and nuts crud), flour, oats, one egg, oil, and a tiny bit of baking soda.

Mix, and bake for 40 minutes in a greased circa 1980's baking dish (for authenticity, this step is crucial). If Singer's enthusiasm for the batter-laced mixing bowl was any indication of her assessment of the cake, then I think we may have a winner.

The original recipe calls for frosting with cottage cheese, which I don't have. And eww! I think I'm going with plan B for that one. I'll frost the cake when I get back from work tomorrow.

At right, the cake, unbaked. Since I'm not a fan of peanut butter, the smell of pb wafting through the house during baking was a bit weird. Singer begged to differ though. Happy almost birthday Singer!

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