Teaching Dogs New Tricks

I'm a big fan of dog tricks, not just because they're adorable, but because they are a great way to bond with your dog and help them to burn off some mental energy.  I teach all of my tricks and commands with a verbal and visual command (in case we need to be discreet).

Some easy to teach tricks I've taught Singer and Bo:

  1. Sit
  2. Stay
  3. Lay Down
  4. Crawl
  5. Play Dead
  6. Roll Over
  7. Roar (rear up on hind legs from a sitting position)
  8. Up (jump up)
  9. Paw/ High Five
  10. Pray
Some really useful commands I've taught them are:
  1. Stay
  2. Go Pee!
  3. Go Poop!
  4. Leave It
  5. Wait
  6. Ok, Go Ahead (turns off the Wait command)