Sunday, April 27, 2014

Doggone Egg Hunt

Egg hunting: GO!
Bo and Singer attended their third straight Doggone Egg Hunt on April 9!  We set out for Manchester at 7:30am and were joined by Brit, one of their favorite people in the world.  (She's also got patience galore for them.)

There were thousands of eggs on the field, but we managed to score, in addition to the regular eggs filled with food and coupons, a Special Prize Egg!  Score for spring tulips!

After the egg hunt, we took BoBo and Singer for their first hike of the year.  Both girls were pooped afterwards, but BoBo was *really* pooped!

Singer, en route and excited!
Our haul.
Egg Huntress and the gorgeous flowers.
Post-hunt hike.
Really pooped.