Saturday, February 8, 2014

Singer's 3rd anniversary/ 5th birthday.

Birthday girl dressed for her birthday
car ride.  (Pardon the birthday mess!)
More belated picture posting.  Singer got a little shafted this year on her birthday.  I didn't have time to bake her a cake OR make her a squirrel-shaped mural out of carrots.  I'm a bad, bad person.

Totally phoned it in.  Cheese, chicken
and steak.  (And bonus prosciutto
 in the car.)
I did make her a trio of proteins for her third anniversary.  Get it?  I know. Tenuous at best.  Actually, it turned out to be a quadruple of proteins, because after her birthday dinner, I took her on a birthday car ride.  While I was in the store, she found the POUND of prosciutto I had purchased earlier that day.  She ate the whole thing as the man in the car next to mine watched.

Trifecta of devouring.
When I got back to my car, I noticed the plastic clam shell that once held prosciutto, and Singer, with her bad girl face on.  When I looked up, I noticed a man in the car next to mine, pretending not to stare.  Figuring him to be an accomplice to the crime, I asked him to roll down his window and asked him if he saw her eating anything.  He said, "her head was down.  I think she ate it all."  Oh geez.

So, I guess Singer got the last laugh.  And since she didn't get a stomach blockage from all of the little wax paper dividers in the meat, I guess I shouldn't complain.

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