Observation tower at Cape Henlopen. |
We ended up taking a semi-impromptu trip down to Delaware in August to visit family and do that thing people call 'relaxing'. I only made two lists in preparation for said relaxation. We ended up visiting Slaughter Beach, Rehoboth, Cape Henlopen (in Lewes), and Ocean City.
By the numbers:
Beaches traversed: 4.
Horseshoe crabs seen: a bajillion.
Human-car collisions: 1.
Near human-car collisions: 1.
States accidentally entered: 1.
Episodes of Homeland accidentally dozed through: 1.
Horrible gas station purchases: 1 pickle in a bag.
Times I made a to-do list: 0.
All in all, a good time was had.
Ocean City, MD: Who needs 'feet in the
foreground' pictures when you can
have "no-feet in the foreground" pictures? |
Let's go hiking! I think the hiking trail is this
way. No, I think it's that way. (FTR... "that
way" did not lead to hiking. It lead to the
beach, where I almost got run over by a truck.) |